Intellectual property law
We protect your company and your products at the German Patent and Trademark Office
The industrial property rights are divided into technical and non-technical property rights.
The technical property rights include the patent, the utility model closely related to the patent, the rarely used semiconductor protection law and the variety protection.
The essential non-technical property rights include u. a. the brand and the design (formerly “design”).
We advise you on all industrial property rights and, on request, register the respective property right with a patent office of your choice.
Advice on inventions, brands, designs, know-how, software protection, plant variety protection
Registration of all industrial property rights nationally and internationally
➤ Patent rights including European patents and PCT applications
➤ Utility model
➤ Designs
➤ Brands
➤ Plant variety rights
➤ Semiconductor protection
Monitoring of property rights and their administration (e.g. payment of annual fees)